Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are at the beginning of a new year. Where did 2010 go? Somehow I didn't manage to post even one blog last year. Hopefully this year will be different.
Last year was somewhat eventful. I started the year at Heather's while she was in hospital. That was different! At least it wasn't Asher in hospital at the beginning of January. That happened in March/April when he has his Fontan, assorted complications, a pacemaker put in, etc, etc. While he was in hospital, Blithe and Bram lived with us, going to school next door. It was wonderful getting to spend so much time with them. They adjusted well to life with us and we adjusted well to life with small children again. I was supply teaching for much of the time that they were with us. At first I couldn't understand why I was so tired getting myself and 2 kiddies ready for school each. After all, I used to do it when Heather and Matthew were their ages. But then I realized that about 23 years had passed since then and I'm not quite as young as I think I am! So between B & B living with us and me going to their place when Asher was home between hospital visits, we spent about 7 weeks together. I must confess that I miss having them around so much, but at the same time I can understand why God lets younger woman have children and not (usually) women in their 60s.
On the long weekend in May, all three kiddies came to our house to stay. This was the first time that Asher had stayed with us without his Mommy. We had a great time!
Asher had one more stay in hospital the following weekend. Dave and I made an emergency dash to pick up Blithe and Bram and brought them home with us again.
During the summer, I spent time at the cottage with Mom and my sister, Jennifer. We enjoyed thrift store shopping, working around the cottage, playing Scrabble, going to the beach and just generally being together.
Then in September I did something that I never thought I would do. I took a long-term teaching position in French Immersion Senior Kindergarten until Christmas. I found that I actually enjoyed it, but again, realized that with 18 years passing since I last taught in French, it was more tiring that I remembered. It was great to find out though that I still could do it!
Christmas was amazing!! One of Heather's friends provided Christmas for her and the kiddies. Dave and I were blown away when she and her husband arrived at our house a few days before Christmas with laundry baskets and bags full of presents, as well as 6 boxes of groceries. God is Good! We had a wonderful time with all our kiddies here, young and older, including Matthew's girlfriend.
So now here we are. 2011 is beginning. Another adventure. Dave and I will start the year by spending some quality time together, just the two of us.
I'm hoping to get more organized this year. I hope for that every year and it happens in fits and starts. Hopefully this year will be more consistent. I do have birthday presents already for Heather and Matthew and Blithe's Easter outfit. Pre and post Christmas sales are wonderful!
So, I wish you all the best in 2011. May you know the presence and peace of the Lord in this New Year. God bless you!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Starting a New Chapter

Well, it's official. I've got my first supply teaching job Monday and Tuesday morning of next week. French Immersion Kindergarten. How scary can that be - after all, I did it for 5 years. But it IS scary because that was a long time ago. But on the plus side, there are only 7 kids in the class, so I should be able to handle them in any language.
I really didn't think this was going to happen so fast. I haven't even activated my status on the Board Supply teachers list but got a call from the principal who interviewed me in December and with whom I taught many years ago, coincidentally at the same school where I taught FISK.
Now for the important stuff. What will I wear to my first day of supply teaching? Limited wardrobe right now. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find something suitable.
And starting off with just the morning is great. Only have to teach from 8:25 to 10:55.
I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!
Anyone else thinking of the Little Engine That Could?
I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Looking back/looking ahead

I really meant to blog more during 2008, but somehow it just didn't happen. I did spend a lot of time reading my daughter's blogs, but I guess that doesn't really count, does it. So my goal is to blog at least once a month during 2009. We'll see how that goes.
2008 was an "interesting year". It was the first year of my retirement from teaching. The adjustment wasn't really that difficult. After spending 29 years teaching young children, I got to spend a lot of time with my 3 young grandchildren. So I was still with young ones, just not so many at one time. I watched, firsthand, the dissolution of my daughter's marriage. I experienced (and am experiencing) a financial crisis that seems to have no end. I lost a dear friend.
But in spite of that, I've been thinking this morning about what I'm grateful for during the past year. Here is a short list:

1. I got to spend lots of time with my daughter and grandchildren. I think I've become closer to Heather than I've ever been. I've watched her become a stronger person. I've been able to watch my grandchildren growing and developing. It doesn't get much better than that. Blithe is learning to read. It's been fun to watch the process from a different perspective. Bram is a sponge, loving school. They tickle my heart when they tell me that they'll miss me when I leave their home. And Asher, when he takes my hand and says "Nana, cun on" (translation - Nana, come on), I'd follow him anywhere.
2. In February, Dave and I went out west to visit his family. It was wonderful to see Dave with his brother and sister together for the first time in too many years. We spent two weeks with his family, some in Calgary and some in Regina. We also got to spend time with his mother who was not well. I'm thankful that we, and especially Dave, bonded with her again before she passed away.
3. Because Dave has been out of work (not a good thing), we've spent a lot of time together this past year. That is a good thing. He's a wonderful man and I love him dearly. I'm thankful for every one of our 35 years together.
4. Dave is learning to cook. I know that this has been forced upon him because I've been away so much, but now, even when I'm home, he cooks sometimes, even offers to do it. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Not me. Not that I'm calling him an old dog, of course. We also work together in the kitchen sometimes. Even better!
5. I spent several weeks in the summer and early fall with my mother and youngest sister at the cottage. We knitted together, played Scrabble together, went to the thrift stores together, and just generally had a wonderful time. I think we even went to the beach one or two days. Somehow that wasn't so important as just spending time together. Not many people get that opportunity.
6. I heard my son, Matthew, tell me he loves me every time he leaves the house to go out. At 28, I think that's a wonderful thing. Thank you, Matthew, for touching my heart like that.
7. I learned that I don't need as many clothes as I had before. There are benefits to losing weight and having to give away most of my clothes. Of course, I got some new ones (in a smaller size), but not nearly as many as I had before.
8. I realized how much I was appreciated as a teacher by parents, children and fellow teachers. It was a great validation of my years in the classroom.
9. I saw Asher come home 5 days after open heart surgery! What a strong little boy he is! I watch him walking, playing cars and trains with his brother and sister, singing along with his favourite songs, just being himself. He is a gift and I thank God for him every day.
10. I started to learn that I'm not Superwoman, even though this quiz I took of what superhero I am came back Superman. I really can't be all things to all people. I do need to look after myself as well as other people. Sometimes I have say "No" when someone asks me to do something. This has been a hard thing for me. It's an ongoing process, but at least it's started.

Well, I managed to come up with ten things for which I'm grateful in 2008. Now what about 2009. What am I hoping for? Can I come up with 10 things? Here goes ....

1. Well, I'm hoping for Dave to get a job, not just to alleviate our financial stress, but also for his well-being. He needs that.
2. I'm hoping to go to church more often.
3. I want to read through my Bible completely again in 2009. I got away from that.
4. I want to do more knitting, and do it in a more timely fashion. When I finally finished Blithe's sweater (from her birthday in August) and gave it to her this past weekend, she told me she wants me to make her a sweater for her birthday to match the one I'm knitting for myself, so we can have twin sweaters. She suggested that I start hers earlier so it will be finished in time for her birthday. Out of the mouths of babes!
5. I want to do more sewing. I still have to make sleep pants for Heather and Dave. Maybe I'll make myself a pair. I really want to make myself a dress. It's been a long time since I did that.
6. I want to go on a vacation with my husband and my son. When was the last time we did that? I really can't remember when the three of us went away together. So, even if it's just for a week, or even a weekend, I want to do that this year. We can go to the cottage, go camping, go on a road trip - I really don't care. I just want to spend time together in a different setting.
7. I want to find a new place to live - one that we can afford more than this one.
8. I want to see my children happy and settled in their lives.
9. I want to see Asher eat real food consistently. Please God, let him do that and lose the tube.
10. I want world peace. Maybe I should try out for the Mrs. Universe competition. At least I've got the correct answer to the question they always ask - If you could have anything at all, what would you want? If I can't have world peace, I'll settle for peace of mind and heart for me and for my family.

Well, that's my first blog of 2009. Happy New Year, everyone.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weary and thoughts of mortalilty

Friday, March 21, 2008

My firstborn is turning 30

Well, tomorrow is the big day. My firstborn, Heather, is turning 30. She's half my age! Does that make me feel old? Not really. But I can remember when I turned 30. I was six months pregnant with her and teaching Kindergarten at the school from which I just retired at Christmas. Now Heather is turning 30. She has 3 wonderful children and is a stay-at-home mom, scrapbooker, seller of StampinUp, nurse, etc, etc. So at age 30, we are at two completely different points in our lives.

At age 30, Heather's life has taken some very different turns than mine did at the same age. She has experienced the heartrending news that her baby has a severe congenital heart defect, the watching and waiting during many hospital admissions and serious surgeries, the uncertainty of everyday life with Asher. Through all of this, she has endured heartache, pain, anguish, anxiety, and stress with a maturity and strength that can come only from the Lord that she loves. I am so proud of her!

I don't think - in fact I know - that I could not have dealt with a situation like this when I was 30. I was not mature enough. Sometimes I think that I'm having enough trouble dealing with it at age 60! It's very hard to watch your child, no matter their age, suffering. There are many times when I feel completely helpless and useless in the face of what she is going through. So I do what I can. I spend as many weekends as I can with her to help out when Ed is at work. I help to look after Blithe and Bram when Asher is in the hospital. (Of course, it's not a hardship to look after my grandchildren. They light up my life.)

I've learned a lot from Heather over the past 15, almost 16 months of life with Asher. I've learned that no matter what, our lives are in God's hands. Only He knows the end from the beginning. And no matter what happens, He will give us the strength that we need for each new day. He can give us peace in the midst of incredible pain and heartache and uncertainty. I've always known these things in my head, but I've come to understand them more in my heart. It's very liberating to completely trust Someone. But I must admit that there are times when I don't completely trust Him. Sometimes it just seems easier to try to look after things by myself. (I'm admit I'm a control freak!) And then I wonder why things don't work out the way I want them to. It's an ongoing struggle for me. But I'm watching my daughter working through some of these issues as well. For so long I was the teacher and now I'm the student. Thank you, Heather, for being a great teacher. And I'm praying that the next 30 years will continue to be a growing experience for you. I love you very much!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Waiting is so hard. I'm waiting to hear from Heather about Asher's MRI - what the cardiologist has to say - when his surgery will need to be - what exactly they're going to do for him. I can't imagine how Heather and Ed are feeling right now. It must be so difficult to wait to hear news about your baby, news that probably won't be great, but news of what will be necessary. I've been praying for all of them today, especially this afternoon as we all wait.
Well, I just heard from Heather. Asher just finished having his MRI and sedate echo. The findings are very preliminary at this point, but they didn't see any obstruction in his pulmonary vein. Thank you, Lord! However, he'll probably need another trip to the cath lab in TO soon to deal with what they think the problem is.
So now I just wait for Asher to wake up so they can come and pick me up. I'm going to St. Thomas again for the weekend. I love to spend time with my kids!
I'll just keep praying for Asher and the rest of the family.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Getting Started (with a little help from my daughter)

i'm holding asher now, so heather's typing for me. hence no capitals. i guess i'm just old-fashioned (or, as heather would say, "old school" she would never say i was old) anyhoo.... heather talked me into starting this blog. and i figured that, you know, i spend a lot of time on the computer anyway, and i really do need to start journaling, so maybe i should combine the two. how many of my friends have blogs? i feel so "hip" like paul mccartney or heather, my awesome daughter.

so here's what to expect here: a lot of old lady rambling (but with perfect spelling, and of course, CAPITAL LETTERS, HEATHER!!!!), stories about my grandchildren Blithe, Bram and Asher [notice the caps, mom?], and thoughts and adventures pertaining to my new life as a retiree. honestly, will my housework ever get done? but at least i do heather's laundry and dishes.... does that count? lol

i'll try putting in some pictures, too, once i figure out how to do that. i'll try right now. oh, look! there's a picture.